Printer Friendly Version MARKING 25 YEARS OF NATO AGGRESSION ON FR YUGOSLAVIA @ 10 April 2024 01:03 PM

On Sunday, March 24, 2024, in the Serbian Orthodox Church "Holy Trinity" in Rotterdam, a Commemoration for the victims was held on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the NATO aggression in 1999 on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro).

After the Holy Liturgy and the Memorial service, an appropriate program was held in the premises of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in the presence of the Ambassador K. Milenković and Counsellor B. Grbić, representatives of the Office of Republic of Srpska from Brussels, numerous priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church and about 300 members of the Serbian community.

The program was enhanced with the songs "Vila sa Košara" and "Crven cvete", sung by local artist Nikolina Zorić. The central part of the program was dedicated to lectures by distinguished guests.

Dutch anthropologist René Gremo was the first to speak with a presentation in Serbian on the topic "Dutch press about Serbs in a historical perspective", who also presented his books about the Herzegovinian insurgents Mića Ljubibratić and the Dutch woman Žana Merkus, whom the poet Đura Jakšić called the Serbian Joan of Arc.

After that, the special guest historian Dr. Miloš Ković, professor of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, addressed the audience with a lecture on "The Defense of Kosovo and Metohija in 1999 in the History and Tradition of the Serbian People", which attracted a huge attention of those present.

As part of the program, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the NATO aggression against the FRY, the humanitarian organization "All for Kosmet" organized a stand with Serbian souvenirs, and the profit from the sale was intended for vulnerable compatriots in Kosovo and Metohija.

The photographs and videos from the mentioned event have been downloaded from the Facebook page of the Serbian Orthodox Church "Holy Trinity" from Rotterdam: